Cherry Blossom Infused Pre-rolls – Fuego 3×0.5g

May 1, 2024 By Aaron
Harvets Blossom Resize

Cherry Blossom Infused Pre-rolls by Fuego (3 x 0.5 gram infused pre-rolls) 37.5 % for $21.57 after Tax

Ok, so I got these Cherry Blossom Infused Pre-Rolls in my hand and just popped the tube open. What I notice immediately, is the punch of cherry aroma I get to my senses. It lingers in your nose, sweetly kissing you from the inside. The punchy cherry notes really set the tone for what will be a very flavorful experience. I started with smoking one of the half gram pre-rolls . The high was immediate after a couple deep inhales. This sativa infused pre-roll has already hit me pretty decently from the start. The mouth taste you experience is pleasant. Much like the initial smell of the pre-roll, the cherry blossom taste is noticeable and was amplified when I French inhaled. After finishing the pre-roll I decided to go outside and look at some dandelions to “test” the effects. I was quite amused with how they swayed in the wind. This pre-roll worked! I feel blissful and have a euphoric body buzz that’s lasted a good amount of time.

This is pretty much what i expect from a 37.5 % infused Pre-roll. It fits in well with many of the other Kief coated Distillate Infused Pre-rolls on the market. Don’t skip out on this one if you like a cerebral euphoric infused “high” with a delicious cherry taste .